Get to know Logan Freeman


Logan Freeman is a commercial real estate agent, developer, investor and capital raiser. He represents buyers and sellers of multifamily and commercial properties, sourcing cash flowing properties for investors through creativity, networking, hustle, and proven strategies. Logan specializes in off-market investment properties, and helps to place capital into the right projects.

Logan studied hotel and restaurant management at the University of Central Missouri. He earned his MBA while playing football for the UCM Mules, and then briefly as an Oakland Raider. After football Logan worked as a franchise consultant for Jimmy Johns, then Director of Sales at a tech startup. He later leveraged that experience to partner with restaurant brands in creating customer experience measurement programs that help increase loyalty and drive business. After becoming disillusioned by corporate America, Logan embarked on his real estate investment journey. Today he works for Clemons Real Estate in investment sales, and he’s also the proud owner of LiveFree Investments, where he’s acquiring cash flowing properties to help his investors reach their goals.

Get to know Logan more from a recent Q&A:

Q: What specifically happened in your corporate career that disappointed you and led to your decision to get started in real estate?
A: I’m a very driven person, and during my time as Customer Engagement Director with a service management group, I realized I had little to no control over my future, as far as growing in my role and increasing my income. So I not only had no creative freedom, but I hit the glass ceiling pretty quickly and started asking myself, “What now?” I ended up getting let go after my employer brought in a private equity firm, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Fortunately I’d been talking with my wife about getting out and potentially starting in real estate investing, and she supported this goal and my transition into owning/operating my own consulting company. I first started out working as Director of Acquisitions for a $50M fund in which I helped to source, analyze, acquire, rehab and manage their assets. I was also running a successful consulting business at the same time. Six months into both gigs, my wife, who is much more strategic than me said “It’s been great ehat you’ve been able to do on both fronts, but you need to focus.” That’s the day I went 100% all-in on commercial real estate and helping passive investors hit their goals. I learned a lot working with that fund and was able to complete over 100 transactions in less than 12 months.

Q: Can you describe your first foray into real estate investing? What factors helped you succeed initially?
I was interested in real estate years before working at it full time; I completed my first live-in flip in 2013. That was a great experience in which I had to learn a lot about contracting, adding value, analyzing a property, etc. I house hacked that property with my roommate paying a large portion of the mortgage, so I essentially lived for free. And I was able to walk away with about $45,000 from the sale.

I was fortunate to have found a mentor who is a real estate agent and investor. He was able to advise me on the KC markets and where to buy. Quickly after I started buying SFRs using the BRRRR method. I later started overseeing transactions for other investors, which opened the door to commercial investing. I learned about different facets of investing and funding, including syndication.

Q: Did you ever struggle with analysis paralysis early on? If so, how did you overcome this obstacle?
I think all investors struggle with analysis paralysis to some extent. And while I did face that early on, working with the help of my mentor really alleviated much of that stress and uncertainty. There’s an investment saying that “Rockstars work with Rockstars.” You’re not a Rockstar starting out, but you can still find someone who knows more than you, bring them value, and appeal to their expertise.

Q: What’s one mistake you made early on, and how did you learn from it?
I purchased a 130 year old building with no cash flow and no tenants in place... but I thought I could add value to it. I elected not to hire a general contractor, and instead took that role on myself. Ultimately, not having a solid team or gameplay in place cost me and my investor a lot of money.

Q: You talk about having the end in mind, understanding your specific goals and identifying your “Why.” So, Logan, what is your “Why” for real estate investing?
There’s a fantastic quote by the late great Zig Ziglar in which he states, “You will get all you want in life if you will help enough people get what they want.” Personal success doesn’t mean much to me if I’m not also helping others along the way.

My core values are faith, family, friends, and fitness (you can throw fun and food into the mix as well). I want my work and life to bring glory to my Savior Jesus Christ. I want to work hard to provide an amazing life for my wife and kids. I want to have a positive impact on my friends and community. And I want to take care of myself physically so that I can actually enjoy the fruits of my labor. If I can use real estate investing as one piece in becoming the best version of myself, then I am confident I can teach and empower others to break free from the status quo and become their best selves.

Q: What are some specific personal disciplines you’ve cultivated to ensure your continued growth as a professional?
I 100% agree with Jacko Willink’s statement that “Discipline equals freedom.” I’m also a big fan of Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning, and I’ve implemented those disciplines into my daily routine.

My morning routine consists of getting up around 4am to read, pray and journal. During this time I focus on visualization (i.e. what I want to get out of the day), and affirmations (reminding myself what is true and important). Around 5:30 I’ll workout for about an hour. Then I have breakfast and enjoy some family time with my wife and daughter. Afterwards I start my actual job around 8:30 or 9. These disciplines help me to maintain emotional intelligence and remain objective in all my decisions. I work daily with high net worth individuals on lucrative acquisitions and projects. The stakes are high, so my disciplines are crucial to staying focused and even keeled.

Q: I think you’ve already given us a couple, but what are some of your favorite inspiring quotes?

A: "Ambition is the path to success, persistence is the vehicle we arrive in" - Bill Bradley

“ Discipline equals freedom” - Jacko Willink

“When we view our path with clarity, we move with clarity, we move with a full and committed heart” -Kevin Hall

Q: You mentioned in your “Meet Logan” video that you won’t work with everyone. What is your criteria in identifying who you will work with?
I’m all about working with people that will take action. Because I value my time, I don’t have time to waste with people who aren’t willing to take initiative and work hard. I use experiential questions when determining whether to work with someone to identify their credentials and motivation. This doesn’t mean that I’m unwilling to help a beginner, but I might ask them to complete several initial steps on their own so I can gage their level of commitment before I agree to spend more time and resources helping them. Due to where I’m at in my own career, I’m also able to have some basic criteria in place including not working on transactions below 2 million dollars.

Q: Let’s say I was potentially interested in working with your company. What is your process of bringing on and guiding a new client in this process?
I like to walk prospective clients through the main components of IDEAL real estate investing: income, depreciation, equity build up, appreciation, and leverages & bonuses. This discussion helps me to gain an understanding of their personal goals, and outline for them a plan of action to attain their goals.

Q: What are the specific benefits of partnering with LiveFree Investments?
I think what sets me apart from most other investor agents is my relentless hustle and proactive, transparent communication. I’m continually investing in myself so I can provide great value to mhy investors; making sure to pivot and listen to what the market is providing. You have to be able to help your investors to adapt in this business, because what got you here, won’t get you where you ultimately want to be.

Aside from my personal approach, in a very practical sense, working with LiveFree provides the following benefits to our investors:

  • Allows OOS (out of state) investors find, purchase, rent, and manage properties in the KC area

  • Provides strong returns on capital from secure, collateralized real estate investments

  • Enables portfolio diversification with minimal to modest volatility and no correlation to the broader equity and fixed income markets

  • Properties managed in-house by our professional management team

  • Ability to fund your investment with cash, a self-directed IRA, or both

  • 1031 exchange gains

Thank you for your time, Logan. I’d be remiss to end our conversation without asking you one final question. As a Kansas City die-hard, what in your expert opinion is the premier place for BBQ in the city?
Jack Stack, no question